Cleaning a Granite Headstone — How Do You Get It Right?


When it comes to choosing a custom headstone for your departed loved one, you need to think about a few things. First, you need a material that will retain its aesthetic appeal, regardless of the persistent exposure to moisture and UV radiation. Secondly, the material should stay in excellent condition with minimal maintenance. These two reasons explain why many people choose granite for gravestones. It is readily available in a range of colours, which gives you more flexibility in terms of finishes.

11 September 2019

A Lowdown on Key Variables That Determine the Cost of Cremation


The loss of a loved one is in itself sad and devastating. Emotions tend to run high during the deceased's final escort. Cremation is one of the ways to offer your loved one a decent farewell. In these trying times, it shouldn't be a bank-breaker, as this can exert more pressure on family and friends. A reputable and considerate cremation service should help ease the final journey, as cremation is more than the disposition of the body.

15 May 2019

A Guide on Funeral Planning.


Planning a funeral can take an emotional toll on close friends and family. If you are in charge of planning one, first create a list of what needs to be done before and after the funeral. Do not burden yourself with the task of performing all activities on your own; instead, delegate some of the tasks to close family and friends. In such a way, you have ample time to mourn your loved one.

11 December 2018

Finding the Right Inscription for a Baby's Headstone


When choosing an inscription for a headstone, there's usually the basic information, like the person's name and the years they were alive. But it's also common to choose some extra words to make the inscription more personal. For this, people often look to the life of the deceased person for inspiration. Whether they were a sports fan, a book lover or someone who had any kind of niche interest, there are usually some fitting words to be found.

3 July 2018

What Are the Benefits of Pre-Planning Your Funeral?


Whilst nobody necessarily enjoys pondering their own funeral or the funeral of their loved ones, there are times when it can give you some major advantages. Pre-planning a funeral is simply a smart thing to do in cases where you've got the time to prepare. Read on to learn how pre-planning your funeral can be the best thing to do.  The Choices Are Yours When you pre-plan your funeral, you get to make the choices.

26 February 2018

Avoid These Common Mistakes When Restoring a Loved One's Headstone


Picking a headstone for a loved one's gravesite is something that takes a significant amount of contemplation. Not only would you want the headstone to befit the deceased's personality, but you would also want it to be worthy of their last resting place. So, it is not surprising to find that headstones tend to be premium priced. However, once the funeral is over, some people forget that these headstones are exposed to the changing weather elements, which puts them at risk of deterioration.

10 October 2017

What a Funeral Home Can Do for Bereaved Families


The demise of a loved one often leaves their families so sad and distraught that they may be overwhelmed by the funeral preparations. This is where funeral homes come in. When called upon, funeral homes cater to the needs of families that have lost their loved one. Even though not every situation is the same, funeral homes generally provide a range of services that can be customised to meet the exact needs of their clients.

11 April 2017