Cleaning a Granite Headstone — How Do You Get It Right?


When it comes to choosing a custom headstone for your departed loved one, you need to think about a few things. First, you need a material that will retain its aesthetic appeal, regardless of the persistent exposure to moisture and UV radiation. Secondly, the material should stay in excellent condition with minimal maintenance. These two reasons explain why many people choose granite for gravestones. It is readily available in a range of colours, which gives you more flexibility in terms of finishes. Its crystalline texture also enhances the beauty of the stone and reduces the rate of wear compared to limestone or marble. Here are some essential cleaning tips for your granite gravestone: 

Is There Need to Clean?

The first step is to examine the gravestone to determine the need to clean it. Sometimes, people mistake the need for cleaning with the aging of the granite. You should only clean when it is necessary; otherwise, gravestones are best left uncleaned as a sign of honouring the deceased and enabling the material to retain its authenticity.

Do You Have the Right Material?

Dirt makes a gravestone look old and minimally pristine. If you establish the need to clean the gravestone, then your next line of action is getting the right tools for the job. Start with a gentle soap that will not damage the surface of the granite gravestone. When buying, it is advisable to choose non-ionic cleansers, available in retail stores near you. The non-ionic element is indicated on the packaging of the soap to show that it does not contain any harsh salts that will damage the granite. Additionally, you also need a generous supply of running water and soft cloths, natural sponges and non-metallic scrubbing pads. All these are essential for removing dirt and grime from the granite surface. 

Is There Any Damage to the Gravestone?

Take some time to examine the condition of the gravestone before you start cleaning. Cracking and flaking are evident signs of damage to the gravestone. Note any damaged areas so that you can clean more cautiously and apply minimum pressure to such sections. 

What Should You Do When Cleaning?

Hose the gravestone down with water while wetting your pieces of cloth at the same time. After that, use the damp sponges or cloths to wipe the granite surface gently to remove the first layer of dirt. You can then follow up with your soft-bristled brushes to scrub the tougher stains. Do this from the bottom of the gravestone working upwards to refrain from leaving any streaks on the stone. Finish by rinsing the gravestone generously with water.


11 September 2019

Avoiding conflict at funerals

Funerals can be a tricky time, as people are often on edge trying to deal with their grief. Some people also become argumentative when upset, so it can be a good idea to work with the funeral home to work out how to manage the maelstrom of emotions that are going on. It can often be useful to separate certain members of the family or social groups if you know that they are inclined to get aggressive or very loud when very upset. A great funeral home can help you to manage these sorts of issues to help ensure that the funeral runs smoothly.