A Lowdown on Key Variables That Determine the Cost of Cremation


The loss of a loved one is in itself sad and devastating. Emotions tend to run high during the deceased's final escort. Cremation is one of the ways to offer your loved one a decent farewell. In these trying times, it shouldn't be a bank-breaker, as this can exert more pressure on family and friends. A reputable and considerate cremation service should help ease the final journey, as cremation is more than the disposition of the body. 

Below are the major factors to consider when considering cremation.


The itinerary between where the place of picking the body, where they will be cremated and where the remains will be placed is a major factor in the cost. Most cremation service providers provide transport as part of the package. However, prior research on the cost variations, such as private transport hire or your own form of transport, comes in handy.


Cremation doesn't often happen immediately after a loss of life. In some cases, different states, religion, and cultures have stated minimum days the remains should be in storage. In other cases, factors such as the determination of the cause of death and the removals of devices, such as pacemakers and screws, might affect the duration. In either case, body storage comes at a fee. Other than this cost, the cremation service provider might charge for services such as embalming and casket for viewing.

Accompanying Services

A number of extra services sure add on to the final cost of the cremation service. Reputable cremation service providers offer additional services such as catering, a celebrant-led service where the institution offers staff to lead and conduct the service, personal memorials, other kinds of memorials and special urns, amongst others. Plan with your loved ones and liaise with the service provider for an estimate. This will save you unpleasant surprises later on.

Actual Cremation and Placement

This is the main core of the service. The cost usually remains standard—save for any required additional considerations such as when a person is too big. Placement costs will depend on the nature and material of the urn and any requests on ash scattering. Special requests such as scattering in the mountains or sea will often need special forms of transport such as a helicopter or a boat. This, of course, significantly escalates the cost.

While cremation is generally cheaper than an in-ground burial, the services in the package and the above-mentioned variables determine the final cost. Due diligence is vital to ensure that you are working within your budget and have sufficient services to ensure a decent send-off. Pre-planning goes a long way in reducing the grief.


15 May 2019

Avoiding conflict at funerals

Funerals can be a tricky time, as people are often on edge trying to deal with their grief. Some people also become argumentative when upset, so it can be a good idea to work with the funeral home to work out how to manage the maelstrom of emotions that are going on. It can often be useful to separate certain members of the family or social groups if you know that they are inclined to get aggressive or very loud when very upset. A great funeral home can help you to manage these sorts of issues to help ensure that the funeral runs smoothly.